Thursday, March 21, 2013

Messy Fishtail Bun in 5 mins (Easy Hair-do)

Hey guys!
I apologize for not having a voice over. I hope David Choi's and Clara C's voice will be enough for you all. I am still sick and slowly recovering so I hope you all can forgive me. When I get better I will definitely include a voice over in upcoming videos. I haven't done a hair tutorial in a long long time so today I am whipping one out! I actually did this baby today, kinda last minute I know. But it was so fast and easy to do. I think it took a lot longer to edit this video for you all to see. I love this undo because it is perfect for spring and summer. I love braids and decided to incorporate a fishtail braid (four 4 strand braid) with a bun. I am a bed head messy hair kinda girl so the style is boho inspired. I think a laid back up do is perfect for anything. It is cute and elegant and can be worn day or night. I did not use heat, teasing, or products to achieve this hair do. I did use some Proclaim olive oil shine spray that I got that Sally's beauty supply store. I had to put it in a different bottle because the pump broke, so that is why it is in a red bottle instead of the original bottle. My hair is a little frizzy today and I thought a little shiny spray would help. But yea, that is about all I put in my hair everything else is natural. Hope you all like this video! Love you all! XOXO

Watch the Video

 1. Brush Hair

2. Section in two and begin 1st fishtail braid

 3. Then braid the second braid

5. Create first bun and pin

5. Wrap second bum around first bun and pin

1 comment:

  1. This is so pretty. I love all the braids that are in style this spring. The fish tails braids are the best.
